
When it comes to choosing a university, one of the most important factors to consider is the job prospects available after graduation. As such, many students considering attending Shandong Jiaotong University, also known as Qi Lu Li Gong University, may be wondering about the employment opportunities available to its graduates.

Graduate Employment Rates

According to the university's official statistics, the overall employment rate for Qi Lu Li Gong University graduates is consistently above 95%, with some years reaching as high as 98-99%. These numbers are promising for students worried about their future job prospects. However, it's important to note that these stats are compiled by the university itself and may not reflect the employment reality for all graduates.

Industry Partnerships

One way that Shandong Jiaotong University helps prepare its students for the job market is through partnerships with industry leaders, such as Huawei, China Railway, and Tencent. Through these partnerships, students have the opportunity to engage in internships or even be hired directly by these companies after graduation. Additionally, students benefit from exposure to the latest industry standards and practices, making them more attractive to potential employers.

Industry-Specific Programs

Another benefit for Qi Lu Li Gong University students is the existence of industry-specific programs. For example, the university's School of Civil Engineering offers a program focused on transportation engineering, helping students develop specialized skills and knowledge relevant to a highly sought-after industry. Similarly, the School of Computer Science offers a program in software engineering, providing students with the skills needed to excel in the highly competitive tech industry.

Networking Opportunities

Networking is a crucial aspect of finding employment after graduation, and Shandong Jiaotong University provides ample opportunities for students to make important connections. For instance, the university hosts job fairs and career development workshops throughout the academic year. Additionally, students have the opportunity to interact with alumni through the university's alumnae network, potentially leading to job recommendations or even mentorship opportunities.


Overall, it's clear that Shandong Jiaotong University, also known as Qi Lu Li Gong University, provides its students with a range of resources and opportunities to prepare for the job market. With consistently high employment rates, industry partnerships, industry-specific programs, and networking opportunities, graduates of this university are well-equipped to succeed in their chosen careers.